About Empha

Thank you for visiting the EMPHA website. EMPHA (an abbreviation for European Manufacturers Paper Honeycomb Association) is the pan-European association for manufacturers of paper honeycomb core and paper honeycomb board products. It was founded in Amsterdam in 2010, and aims to represent the paper honeycomb core industry.

The objectives of the association can be summarized as follows:

  • To create a platform for the manufacturers of paper honeycomb core in Europe.
  • To look after the interests of this industry towards third parties in an active and proactive way.
  • To give added value and shape to the positioning of paper honeycomb core by means of standards and by promoting its sustainability.

The current scope and function of EMPHA consists of the following elements:

  • Represent members' interests whenever, and wherever, possible;
  • Provide a central source for industry information;
  • Act as an information source on legislative issues;
  • Establish and maintain industry-related test methods and standards;
  • Provide a proactive European meetings forum for members.

Please find the EMPHA printable brochure here. The EMPHA Secretariat, responsible for the day-to-day affairs of the association, is operated by LEJEUNE Association Management based in The Hague, The Netherlands. All contact details are available here.

Compliance statement
EMPHA is committed to compliance with the antitrust rules that aim to achieve free competition and fair terms for all business transactions.

Antitrust rules during meetings
EMPHA requests that participants to EMPHA congresses, seminars and other meetings acknowledge that no issue will be discussed that will violate antitrust rules and that during all meetings these rules shall be respected under all circumstances.

Specifically, participants acknowledge that:

  • they shall not exchange information anti-competitive in nature, including e.g. regarding current or future prices, price-fixing or price-stabilising agreements, discounts, cost studies or other competitive business terms;
  • shall not enter into anti-competitive agreements with other participants during meetings or in the context thereof. 

Click here for the complete antitrust guidelines.